Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Birthday Blues

  I just found out that no one in my extended family can come to my 30th birthday party.  So not only will I be recovering from a depressing, disabling surgery, now I can sit at home and do nothing on my actual birthday. 

My family doesn't love me.  What a kick in the nuts!


***To answer Lisa's question from yesterday- I've been thinking about getting into 24, Veronica Mars, and House.

***Word Count: 6184

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, you will LOVE "House"!!!  That show is soooo good!!  I have never seen "24" although the journals I read, everyone says it's so good.  I watch so many crime shows that I didn't want to add another to my list with "Veronica Mars", that's the reason I never started watching.  Thanks for the tips on what you will be watching.  Sorry about your family not coming for your bday.  I am used to being disappointed by my family though, so it doesn't suprise me at all.
Hugs and love,