Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Project: Greenlight: I am loving this show more by the second.  John Gulager (yeah, that's the director's name- how could I forget?) really started to come around tonight.  You could see Chris Moore was just beaming with pride that his pep talk at lunch worked when John started to speak up at the meetings.  I was happy for him too- as a fellow artist who sucks at public speaking.  John made a good point that any argument he makes could be easily ended by his opponents' saying, "Where were you a month ago?" but he overcame all this and is really starting to look like a director now.

  Then of course in the very next segment, the casting director uses that very logic when she says, "He won a contest...He doesn't get it."  Hey, lady- I'm on your side about not casting the guys' whole family, but you need to have a little more respect for the head of the project.  It seems like she had little respect for him based on the fact that he is a contest winner and that little bit of respect was lost when he wanted to do the family thing.  There's clearly some bitterness and friction here and it's making me uncomfortable- just get the darn movie cast and get her off the screen.

  Having said that- casting his whole family is the wrong thing to do and fighting for it as hard as he did was totally unprofessional and made John look very bad.

Next week: Will John be fired over this issue?  (I doubt it since he is listed as the director on imdb)

The Amazing Race:  Tonight was another stellar episode of the best reality show out there.  Just when you think it's okay to start rooting for Boston Rob and Amber, they go and do something heartless like not stop at the scene of the accident.  How evil do you have to be to keep racing on a television show when people's lives are literally at stake?  I have not liked the gay guys and their seeminly unfounded hatred of the Survivors, but they were right about them in this instance. 

  Then the end was one of those rare occassions when there is an actual footrace to decide elimination.  I just had to root for the brothers to come back from the car crash and I was on my feet and excited when they actually did it.  Good riddance to that bickering couple.  The brothers deserved to keep going way more than they did anyway.

American Idol:  I have to admit I didn't pay too much attention tonight.  I was online and no particular performance drew me away from this screen to the other.  The craziest part of this season has been Paula Abdul.  She clearly gets bombed before every show now.  I am two for two predicting eliminations thus far, but it has been admittedly easy.  A much tougher call this week, but I'll go with Anthony.  He was bottom three last week and I think Nadia's fans will not let that close call happen again.  Plus, we have to start losing guys, don't we? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally think Paula is enjoying some sort of pain med way too much!  She is never all there if you know what I mean.  I agree with Anthony leaving tonight though, he is so boring!
Hugs and love, Lisa
P.S.:  Thanks for the laughs last night as I sit here drinking my Dunkin Donuts coffee with my Garelick Farms cream I still snicker at the comments!  :)